Carlyn: The blog that I choose for this month is It’s Autumn’sLife by Autumn, an American who lives in South Korea and works as a
kindergarten teacher. I don’t remember how I found her blog but I was drawn to
it because I’m interested in Asian culture and education around the world. Autumn
writes about food, interesting places, education and beauty.
Jon: My blog for the month of November is KeepingtheChristmasSpiritAlive365. I figured that posting a blog about Christmas in November made more sense with the holiday approaching, and not when it's right on top of us. Natasha, the author of Keeping the Christmas Spirit Alive does just what her blog title indicates by providing everything from nick-knacks to holiday treat recipes to commercials to decorations to gift ideas, all year round. I always love the "Christmas Spirit" and it's not just about gift giving and gift getting. It's the feeling that Christmas inspires. Excitement, anticipation and most importantly good will, that Natasha's site celebrates. I send my best wishes for a wonderful holiday season, whether it be Christmas, or Chanukah or Kwanza, or any other late Autumn/early Winter (relative to where you live of course it might be Summer for some! >.<) holiday that our readers may celebrate with friends and family!