Saturday, 3 January 2015

Jon Bear Journal: Christmas 2014: What did you get? What did you give?

So now that Christmas 2014 is past I wanted to say thank you to my family and friends who always make the holiday season the most special time of year.  Not because of the presents but their presence which is precious and all too distant most of the year.  Circumstance has dictated that I must be far enough away from most of my family, so as not to be able to see them very often each year. I know that technology has made advances to the point where through social media you can almost always be close, no matter how far, but nothing is quite the same as a hug. 

So with that sentimental note, of course I've decided to make a post about GIFTS!  Every year I come away with a good haul and far more then I deserve (hopefully my family/friends didn't read that part).  Here are some of the presents I received this past Christmas, in no particular order.

Gifts Received:

Gift card for : which will be used for buying books for my Kindle

A coffee mug with a picture of my nephew Tristram (my brother Clifford and his wife Tracy's son) decked out, as an athlete, in New York Mets attire.  Everyone got a Tristram themed mug based off their interests.  He was dressed as a Scientist for my brother Robert, a Musician for my sister Heather.  An artist for my niece Katrina (who is Robert's daughter and 16 years older than Tristram), a Gardner for my sister in law Shirley and a Teacher for my brother in law David.  Mom (or Grandma to Tristram) got her Tristram mug some time last year before everyone else did, so I don't think her's was themed.

A whole bunch of pots and pans (for cooking I assume >.<).  Some with LIDS!  Mum saw that I had no lids for my pots and pans last time she visited me.  Mom is always the resourceful type who pays attention. 

A Garmin.  Yes, I got with the 21st century and finally got something electronic to help me drive long distances and no longer have to rely on a folded map and my chicken scratch on a piece of paper.

A big box filled with Fruity Soap, which I specifically asked for.  If you ever see Waking Ned Devine (if memory serves) you'll understand the passion for Fruity scented soaps.

Tickets to see comedian Demetri Martin in Washington DC, with my sister Heather and her husband David.

A Bottle of Freak Show Wine.

A Hufflepuff Tee Shirt.  Yes, Hufflepuff is my Harry Potter House.  I know a lot of  Harry Potter fans least associate themselves with Hufflepuff and agonize over the notion of being placed in the Hufflepuff house, but I am a proud Hufflepuff. 

A New York Mets Tee Shirt.

A Dress Shirt and Tie.

Paper a Calculator and Mechanical Pencils.  Yes, probably the least expensive gift, but the one that will likely get the most use.  I personally requested this magnificent gift after giving it to my twin brother last Christmas.  We are baseball stats geeks and play all sorts of fantasy games with the statistics, so we run through paper at an alarming rate. Yes, if the Hufflepuff shirt didn't make me cool enough already... I know...

A big Memory Foam Pillow!  YAY!  Also a personal gift request.  My heavy head does severe damage to my pillow stuffing, so this will be a big help for a year or so until I flatten my new pillow.

Ummm... I'm not at home and taking inventory of my presents right now, so that's what I remember, and hopefully I did not leave anything out.  If I did, I must have forgotten what it was out of the sheer shock and joy the gift elicited.

Once again, in no particular order, here's what I gave.

Gifts Given:

A set of dinosaur magnets

Two movies: Wreck it Ralph and Cloud Atlas

A new Blue Ray DVD player

Gift Certificate to the 9:30 Club in Washington DC

Gift Card to Regal Cinemas for the movies

Gift Certificate to the State Theater in Ithaca to see concerts

Gift Certificate to the Glimmer Glass Opera House for the Summer 2015 season

Bubble Bath

Bottle of Wine

L.L. Bean Tee Shirts and Dress Shirts

A New England Patriots Jersey

Green Dish Towels

Scratch Off Lottery Tickets

Two (2) Scrabble Dictionaries, new 5th Edition (Clifford, Tracy, Mum and I play a lot of Scrabble)

And I believe that covers it.  Or most of it anyway. 

So all in all it was a productive Christmas on the Gift front as is typical in our family household. 

Oh, and I almost forgot too...

Gave and Got: Hugs, Kisses, Love, Laughs

So, yeah... there was that too.  I hope that all our readers and their families had a happy holiday season if they celebrate any of the Winter time holidays!  Please fell free to share some of the gifts you may have given or received this holiday season! 


  1. You certainly got a good haul this year Jon bear. You're lucky to have family members who give thoughtful and generous gifts. I also think you are a generous and thoughtful gift giver too.

  2. Thank you Carlyn. I try to give thought to the gifts I give and I like to give something different each year if I can. I know people have staple things that they like, but it takes away the surprise if you get someone the same thing year after year. I always love what I get and my family and friends give more then generously to me. >.<


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