Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Jon's List with explainations ;)

1. Make a greenbean casserole: I've always wanted to cook one, especially for Thanksgiving dinner, which I usually host for my friends each year.  Hopefully this year I buck up and get the courage to try and make one.

2. Partake in a walk or run for charity: This is something I have done a lot in the past, so it's probably not the most ambitious of my goals for the year, but I always think it is a good goal to set for myself. 

3. Lose 50 lbs.:  I would particularly like to do this before my best friend and his fiance get married in June of 2012, but I will settle to do so by years end as a goal.  If I can lose more, all the better, and if not, I will be happy with 50 pounds knowing I have significantly improved my physical well being.

4. Apply for new job(s): I enjoy my current job, but I do not really see a way to advance as the position I am in is the one I desire most where I work.  As it stands, I do not make enough money to pursue my dreams of eventually owning my own home and being able to travel to various parts of the world on occassion. 

5. Read more books:  I have always loved reading, and I'm intent on getting a Kindle because of how much space my books take up.  Two years ago I was able to read approximately 40 books, which is the most I ever read in a year.  I would like to read more this year if possible.  I am intrigued by Carlyn's idea to try and tackle the list of 100 books you NEED to read before you die.  Perhaps that is a small adventure we can embark on together.

6. Buy my first video game system:  I have not played video games regularly since my Atari system as a child.  In my early 20s my mother bought me and my brother a Nintendo 64 which I let my twin brother have when I moved upstate from Long Island, New York.  I have never purchased my own system.  I have no desire to become consumed by video games, but I would like to be a bit more in touch with today's games.

7. Go to an NHL Hockey Game:  I've been to professional American Football Games and Major League Baseball Games in the past two years.  The last time I attended a professional hockey game I was about 14 years old, so I would like to attend one this year, if I can convince my friends to go with me.

8. Send my baseball poem to the MLB Hall of Fame:  I wrote a poem when I was 17 years old about playing baseball in a small town, that I quite liked.  Maybe the MLB Hall of Fame will care less about it, but I always thought I should send it there and see if they might like to keep it as part of a collection.  Ironically, I never thought of this when I interned there about 6 years ago. >.<

9. Make a phone text:  This would seem silly to most anyone esle, but I've only made one phone text ever and my phone is not well equiped for texting so I spelled most everything wrong in the text.  I'm behind the times you might say, in certain respects, I realize that... so while this is perhaps my simplest goal to achieve, maybe it will lead to my using that option more often.

10. Ride a Rollercoaster: I will be going to Disney World in April with my best friend for his bachelor party.  I'm not the most comfortable riding rollercoasters, although I have done so over a dozen times.  The last time was probably about 18 years ago now, so it's time to get back on the horse I think.

11. Buy a new suit:  I desperately need a new suit.  Ideally I will do this late in the year when I have reached a comfortable weight, and hopefully achieved my weight loss goals. I'm embarrassed to say when I bought my last suit.  Maybe I'll confess at some point. lol

12. Build a snowperson:  Another thing I've done before, but not in quite sometime.  Of course the snow will have to cooperate to make this a reality, but that shouldn't be much of a problem, as we had over 100 inches of snowfall last year where I live.

13.  Go to the Finger Lakes Wineries:  This is already kind of planned tbh... for my mother's 70th birthday celebration.  But the NY Finger Lake Winery Region is supposed to be one of the world's most famous, so hopefully I'll be able to take the time this summer *even though my mom's birthday is in May* and go with my family on this trip.

14. Make my bed at least 5 times a week:  You may laugh at this, or think me silly, but if you knew Jon bear, well.. then this would be quite an achievement, and one of my most difficult tasks. lol  WISH ME LUCK!

15. Go to the Shaker Museum:  I always knew I lived near the Shaker Museum here in Upstate New York, but I never new that the Religion was BORN in my current home town of Watervliet, so I would like to learn more about the Shakers and share the experience of my visit with everyone here.

16. Visit the Ausable Chasm:  The place looks assome, and I'm not sure what I would do there, but I heard about this from my friend Krystal YEARS ago, and have always wanted to visit.  I THINK I have to set up a visit to the Chasm, and as it's something I've been meaning to do for the last 6 years or so, I figured there is no better time than this year, given mine and Carlyn's new endeavors.

17. Take more pictures:  I took more pictures this past year than I have in decades.. if ever.  I've quite enjoyed it, even though I am by NO means adept at taking beautiful or artistic pictures.  I just wish to use my camera more and document the places I visit.

18. Make a scrap book: This kind of ties in with my taking more pictures goal somewhat.  But I would also like to include drawings and perhaps poetry or writing in my scrap book, which will serve as a more personal documentation of my adventures this year.  I've never really done anything artistic, so that aspect of the scrapbook also intrigues me.

19. Inspire a friend to create a blog:  While I'm keeping this blog quite private for the time being, IF I seem to be succeeding with our endeavors and gain a bit of confidence along the way, I would like to share this more openly with my friends, and hopefully inspire one or more of them to begin their own online blog whether it be similar to the topic Carlyn and I are involved with or entirely their own/unique idea.

20. Make a CD of acapella Christmas tunes I have sung:  This is something I have wanted to do for years and I have already begun to work on.  I am in no way a great singer, nor do I have any kind of training in singing, but I have always enjoyed singing, and enjoyed Christmas tunes.  If there is a way to share my CD once I have finished it, here, then I will. 

So that's my list.  I am indebted to my wonderful friend Carlyn for first coming to me with this idea.  I enter admitedly with a bit of trepidation, but hope that with her help and the support of whom ever may read our blog, that we are both able to fulfill the majority of the small adventures we have outlined here. =D <333 God Bless

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